Although better known to come from the Black Molds, Slime Molds too can be used as the precursor for synthesizing Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (aka LSD). Plus it's way easier to culture slime molds (empty gallon milk jugs and a sunny porch) then it is using growing mats for Black Mold (i.e. Claviceps purpurea).
//not that I know all that much about such things - I just "heard" about the technique in Grad School - "Go Bears!"//
//not that I know all that much about such things - I just "heard" about the technique in Grad School - "Go Bears!"//
Well played.
But did they ski?
Ski troops WERE useful.
Modern Air Cavalry, Attack Drones, Short Range Missiles, and Satellite surveillance makes it very unlikely that ski troops will every be used again.
I can see how that justifies labeling them "trolls".
Wouldn't the world be oh so great if only sycophants took the time to comment(oh wait, that's already being done over at Boingboing)?
In the world of CGI, xbox, and the interweb, I'm afraid strings are soooooooooo last century.
Besides, I change my own oil.
A: The best treated denizens of the entire Country
Remember the good old days when Darwin took care of the dumbasses of the world free of charge. I miss those days.
Next time try R E A D I N G the article.