They should have bought a shooting range, or a gym, but nooooooo, lets keep the donut shop afloat. American cops are sooooo next to useless it's funny in a pathetic way (until of course you actually need someone to stop or solve a crime).
"She fell more than three kilometers (two miles) into the jungle canopy but miraculously survived with only minor injuries."
Pure conjecture. There are no facts to support it. Most people are notoriously bad at estimating height - especially when their plane breaks apart and they lose consciousness.
Sure JMM, just like Kim Jong-il invented EVERYTHING in NK, Obama ran right out and became a cell biologist and is inventing all kinds of miracles.
Nice try - the research has been going on WAAAAAAAY before Obama was a sparkle in some Senate race. Plus the concept (the exact "Salamanders will show us how to regen limbs") has been kicked around since the 60's (and probably before that).
SCIENCE might actually be able to come up with technology to save the world - but the odds of the politicians and military types letting them is somewhere between slim and none.
It's easier after you catch the fly and have it in the baggie to put it in the freezer (or use a canning jar to catch them - bait it with any sliced piece of fruit). Wait 5-10 minutes and you'll have a nice comatose fly - way easier to glue it onto the power stick. Of course timing depends alot on the freezer temp, the size of the fly, etc so you need to experiment before you find the right time to knock them out yet still be able to revive them once warm. Rolling papers pretty much suck as a plane - use thin 3x5 note cards cut to shape and wooden toothpicks (like the top photo). We had tons of fly races in the summer when I was a kid.
I make all my birdhouses have remote entry doors with keyless radio fobs. Sure, some birds never seem to remember the 4 digit keycode, but that's not my problem.
Must be using NASA engineers to come up with those measurements. There's NO way those walls are 10 ft tall. Nor if they were, there's no Hippo on the planet that could "climb" over them.
//"you've won nothing" - you mean there's prizes?
Pure conjecture. There are no facts to support it. Most people are notoriously bad at estimating height - especially when their plane breaks apart and they lose consciousness.
"bacteria in the large intestine digest the enzyme."
Should read "sugar" not "enzyme".
Nice try - the research has been going on WAAAAAAAY before Obama was a sparkle in some Senate race. Plus the concept (the exact "Salamanders will show us how to regen limbs") has been kicked around since the 60's (and probably before that).
SCIENCE might actually be able to come up with technology to save the world - but the odds of the politicians and military types letting them is somewhere between slim and none.