I'm sorry to beat on this. I know it is beyond my grasp of the nuances of math but, when you give the dice example you have 3 different numbers that can possibly come up on the die to make a combination that equals 4. 1, 2 and 3. With the frogs you only have 2 possibilities, male or female, not 3. If the 2 represents the male frog, then 1 and 3 can't. If you were to say that #1 represents the male frog and #3 represents the female frog then the only combinations that you could roll to equal 4 would be a 1 and a 3 or a 3 and a 1. The #2 doesn't have any representation because the male and female are already represented by 1 and 3. In the frog situation you only have 2 different things (a male and a female) that you are trying to make 3 different combinations with. Why is it not true that, knowing that one of the 2 frogs is a male, there is only a 50% chance that the other one is a female. The whole situation is really only about 1 frog and whether or not it is a male or female. If you go and lick both frogs, you will 100% lick one male frog. The only unknown is what the 2nd frog will be, and there is an equal chance that it will be a male or female, (50% chance).
The part I don't get about the 2 in 3 probability is that the 3 possibilities shown were 2 males, or, female on the left and male on the right, or, male on the left with female on the right. I don't get how female on the left or right would be considered 2 different possibilities as the net result is the same, 1 male and 1 female. Givem that logic, why couldn't we add 2 more possibilities and say female on bottom male on top, and male on bottom female on top, as if they were standing on each other. This would increase the odds to 4 out of 5, or 80%.