Sid Morrison's Comments

Christophe hit the nail on the head regarding Keynes, except that it isn't just the Republicans. The Democrats leading Congress signed onto the stupid scheme as well and fit themselves into every photo-op possible concerning it. Both parties have little grasp of economics or fiscal prudence.

The whole scheme is pretty fiscally unsound. We borrow money from Red China (through sale of government debt), pay it out to taxpayers, and urge them to run to Walmart and buy some stuff made in Red China. Whose economy will this stimulate?

This is very short term thinking anyhow... The US (and States') governments need to drastically cut their own spending on socialist nannystate programs and just let taxpayers keep more of their earned income in the first place.
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To appease the Red Chinese palate, they've got a little lead paint, ground dywall, and melamine residue mixed in. Works like a charm.

Pol x - I have to wonder about what kind of Thanksgiving meal you had... The desserts are possibly sweet to be sure, but not typically the main course: turkey, stuffing, potatoes, greens, &c. Even cranberry sauce, a typical side dish in the main part of the meal is usually rather tart.
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Geez, folks! Click the bloody link to the Telegraph and the picture's caption! The lady on the right (yes, apparently it IS a lady) is the 7'2" woman. The kid she is holding is her 10 month old monster son.

The woman on the left and the kid she is holding are normal-sized family friends who are in the picture to provide some sense of scale.
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Kent gave a nice explanation, but I'll pick a small nit. The atmospheric PRESSURE on the tanker is ~14.7 psi, not 6 million pounds. That 6 million pounds is FORCE, rather than pressure. Force = Pressure x Area. Small pressure x big area = a lot of force and it's force that squishes it.

Obviously Kent knows the distinction between pressure and force, but it's like nails on a blackboard (or people saying "less" when they mean "fewer") when I hear them interchanged.
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Nothing wrong in what Grok said. He's actually being more accomodating than I would have been. I will assert that on the basis of this case anyhow, Western Civilization *is* superior. You cannot defend government sanctioned paedophilia via moral relativism arguments. Bean is also dead on -- an 8 year old is a child by any definition. If we were arguing about the appropriateness of marrying 15 year olds, there is more leeway for differing "societal norms" and ages of consent and the like, but a pre-pubescent girl is a child and by definition, that is paedophilia.
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Ausgezeichnet! More power to them! The rising obsession to collect and maintain biometric databases on everyone for even frivolous reasons is pretty frightening. It not inconceivable that in the futrue (if not already!) it will be possible to clone fingerprints and leave phony evidence at crime scenes to implicate others. The day is coming if it's not here yet.

Í know of a dentist who thought it would be "high tech" to sign people in at her office via a thumbprint scanner. Now they have absoluutely no real NEED for such security (what's wrong with just telling the receptionist you have arrived?), but now they have a thumbprint database on all the patients. I don't think they intend anything sinister themselves, but ne'er-do-wells could certainly know the dentist keeps such info and steal it for some purpose (breaking into a biometric-controlled military area, falsifying identity, &c.).
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Hessi is right. The preponderance of serious perverts hasn't really increased -- only our information access to their deeds.

While I wouldn't let a kid of that age walk around solo at night, in the well-populated daytime subways, it's not a big deal. Also, I'd have a LOT more security of them walking around in NYC than in most small towns -- there are always too many people around for anyone to try anything with them. Contrast that with the creep hiding in the bushes at a small town park.
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Christophe is right on. Sure, 97% of the time you can probably give birth at home with a doula or midwife or witchdoctor or whatever and everything will turn out fine -- it (usually) worked OK for thousands of years that way. For the other 3% of the time or so, things like a trained obstetrician, a fetal heartrate monitor, availability of IV blood/drugs, defibrillators, and an operating room are the different between everybody coming out healthy and a dead mom and dead or retarded baby.

In emergencies, you have to make do with what is available and pray for the best, but *planning* to deliver outside the reach of medical care is plain stupid. If a mother wishes to risk her own life needlessly, that is one thing but to risk her baby's health is pathetic.

This quote made me shudder:
"who’s trained and will get you to the hospital if there is a medical reason). "

OK, be real... Exactly how much training does a midwife have compared to an obstetrician??? What happens when things go wrong? Sure she'll make sure your dead wife and blue oxygen-deprived baby get there. Too bad it's a half hour too late! Will she be there to get the kid to special ed classes for the rest of his life? He won't have a mother to drive him.
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It's only a mystery if you are illiterate...

For the more curious, it'sexplained pretty well at

And, yes, it is nitrogen, not carbon dioxide which is added.
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When I wrote "UK" in my prior post, I was referring to the United Kingdom. You may say "British", but I did not want to leave out the brave soldiers, sailors, and airmen from Northern Ireland, so my definition of who saved rollover Denmark was a bit broader.
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