An outright ban. There is no excuse for keeping such animals in captivity. No matter how much space you give them or how much you think you care about them, it is an unnatural life for them and cannot be excused. If you really do care about them, you wouldn't own them. There is no excuse for zoos either. It's one thing if an animal is being preserved because it is dying out, though I am not sure that is a great reason either; what's the point if its natural habitat no longer supports it? Animals die out and others replace them, keeping them confined is not a good alternative. However, keeping animals in zoos for the entertainment of humans is wrong. The Victorians may have done it because there was no other way people could see such a variety of animals but we now have TV and the internet, we don't need to be caging up and confining animals just so humans can see them up close or get an ego boost from owning them.
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