unknownerror's Comments

Well if we are really meant to be “equal” /s and you feel that the system in place to protect female “equality” is untenable maybe (not unlike Obama’s desire to remove genders) females you should truly demand and accept “equality" and all that it implies and compete against males thus negating any special treatment and or processes necessary to ensure "equality" /s for females.
I fully expect to be labeled a troll / hater / misogynist / "whatever label makes you feel better about lying to yourself" /etc.; as my position does not meet the PC litmus test of the "snowflake" generation; however my position and its subsequent logic is undeniable, unquestionable. You have been warned "snowflakes"

Unless you don’t really want "equality" and just care about being designated “special" because you want to have things a certain way but will never truly step up and try to compete against the opposite sex on equal footing... Quotes, special considerations, I have a “vagina”, etc must be considered if we are to ensure you are treated "equally" or you will complain “evil peni$e$” are disenfranchising/repressing us…Whaaaaa…

There is always a reason females need special assistance and then you complain when we try to ensure evil males don’t supersede/ignore your “special-ness-ness” (sic)???

Come on how lame can you get...? Let's be truly “equal” step up to the plate so we can see how capable females are at the equivalent tasks/endeavors compared to the equivalent male and or don’t complain about the special considerations FEMALES demand and the subsequent mechanisms that must be implemented to ensure you remain “equal”… Buahahalhahahahah…LAME.
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After reviewing the breadth of your content I noticed you failed to draw the same parallels (via content inclusion) with the typical OBAMA-nite and their fervor regarding race/pay/entitlement/gender/religion issues or lamenting on the "Change" and "Hope" lies that have manifested these many years.

More specifically if the race and party affiliation was swapped would you be so inclined to post the same type of material and hoist it as a banner before the "Netorama" brand?

I think not as you have none, zip zero, na-da, truly if you fail to see not only the hypocrisy but also the inherent bias and racism your blind.

So is it white 'Males" you dislike and see as a joke or the Caucasian race, or is it just those that live at a lower latitude? Or wait is it just those that follow a particular personality based on the "promise" of a change from the new norm of lies or is there a metric via which you see the current manifestation of leadership as successful, worthy of merit?

Please Netorama shower us with your divine insight as to why this particular bit of satire is representative of "Netorama" yet nothing that features the opposing party/race/gender/latitudinal position is present.
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@Miss Cellania - Denial - the action of declaring something to be untrue, is exactly what you are under when you subscribe fear and doom to a process that has been going on since the manifestation of this planet.

There has been dramatically broader and dramatically greater temperature swings prior to man. Hundreds of degrees +/- over the span of this planets history- long before man stood upright.... I am sure the SUV's and Coal Plants back in the Triassic / Cretaceous (60+ Million years) were a significant contributing factor.

So we can NOT accurately predict a days weather with even the most modern facilities, we can however be assured all the false predictions aside (EVERY ONE OF THEM SINCE THE 70's) that the boggie-man is gonna steal our ice caps and raise the sea, levels, and blah..blah..blah...

In parting prove me wrong show me one model one prediction that has manifested as predicted validating "GLOBAL-BOOGIE-MAN" and I will fall in line. As int stands now I can show you HUNDREDS of false false prophecies, h@ll watch your lauded "An Inconvenient Truth"??? for a good laugh.

You wont and one day, thankfully we can all look back on this type of tripe and look those like you square in the eyes and say... Really? Wow.
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Clearly I am establishing this type of tripe is just that tripe and not science, as in not put through any legitimate/illegitimate scientific method. PERIOD.

And no AMERIKAN's read and regurgitate what the state allows them to digest, in the rest of the world we see it as a manifestation, well remnant of carbon trading. The current manifestation under another name. Review what has been said about and projected regarding "GLOBAL WARMING" from your sages like GORE to the ice caps to sea levels...

EVERY LAST PROJECTION/PREDICTION/DIE WARNING has been proven wrong period. Look every one of them up, do your due-diligence and then revisit this blather.
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Seriously??? Climate Change? Not everyone that comes to this site for novelties sake suffers from a lack of education and or ignorance of the drivers of the tenured/under grant by the US government. More to the point have you actually read any of the material and then cross referenced any of the actual data?

Take as long as it took to put this rubbish together and look a the raw UN-adjusted data...
My god if this is the way this site is going to continue tell me know so I can move on.

Why not just call it the Boogie-Man instead... What has happened to Amerika's education system?
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