FryCookFromVenus's Comments
Hush, Ryan.
Your use of big words doesn't help your case any more. You're only confusing yourself.
Creationism, intelligent design, whateverthehellyouwanttocallit, has absolutely ZERO place in a SCIENCE classroom. It can be taught in a religious course, but NOT in a science course.
Evolution is a fact. Plain & simple. There is no "debate." There is no "controversy." There is no "other side."
The fact that we're even asking this question is embarrassing.
Your use of big words doesn't help your case any more. You're only confusing yourself.
Creationism, intelligent design, whateverthehellyouwanttocallit, has absolutely ZERO place in a SCIENCE classroom. It can be taught in a religious course, but NOT in a science course.
Evolution is a fact. Plain & simple. There is no "debate." There is no "controversy." There is no "other side."
The fact that we're even asking this question is embarrassing.
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for all you "self-controllers," how about doing things like making contraception more readily available? educating people on preventing pregnancy? making birth control affordable?
you're right though. a single mom with 5 kids sure is "living on the dole"! why should i work when i can have 5 kids, get a pittance from the govt., and be stressed out? what a life!
it may be a bit of a stretch to chalk every poor person with 5 kids situation up to evolutionary biology, but it certainly has more clout than you people simply saying these people have no self-control. the insensitivity here is astounding.
you're right though. a single mom with 5 kids sure is "living on the dole"! why should i work when i can have 5 kids, get a pittance from the govt., and be stressed out? what a life!
it may be a bit of a stretch to chalk every poor person with 5 kids situation up to evolutionary biology, but it certainly has more clout than you people simply saying these people have no self-control. the insensitivity here is astounding.
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Yo, Jimbo,
You're absolutely spot-on about selling arms to Iran, but don't forget Reagan's support of Central American dictators, and dismantling the New Deal, and "trickle down" economics, and tripling the national debt!
Yup. Reagan should be right up there with Lincoln.
Kool-Aid indeed. You Reagan worshippers need to learn your history.
You're absolutely spot-on about selling arms to Iran, but don't forget Reagan's support of Central American dictators, and dismantling the New Deal, and "trickle down" economics, and tripling the national debt!
Yup. Reagan should be right up there with Lincoln.
Kool-Aid indeed. You Reagan worshippers need to learn your history.
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This is satire, but it's also eerily true. It's true that corporations were the de facto leaders of this country but the SCOTUS ruling just made them the de jure leaders & it's not going to stop any corporation from piling on mountains of dough to any shill who will do their bidding. Meanwhile, us regular citizens who can't afford to "donate" several million dollars to a good politician's campaign will have no voice whatsoever.
Say goodbye to politicians who speak on our behalf (Kucinich, Grayson, Sanders) & hello to the representative from Exxon-Mobil or the senator from Halliburton.
Say goodbye to politicians who speak on our behalf (Kucinich, Grayson, Sanders) & hello to the representative from Exxon-Mobil or the senator from Halliburton.
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it's not hard to avoid dressing up in one of these despicable "costumes". i can count on 1 hand the number of offensive costumes i've seen in my life, so if you're here defending these morons, take more than 5 seconds to come up with something else. it's pretty easy!