I can see this would be really attractive when they start appearing in Doctor's surgeries. However I guess we won't have to worry about it for 10 years or so but.
Oi Neatoland you are confused. Shouldn't this be here... http://www.neatorama.com/2011/05/22/enormous-lego-star-wars-diorama/ or here http://www.neatorama.com/2011/05/23/8-people-who-are-seriously-obsessed/
Ok...it took a while for the cent to drop. This is a real couple and this is a proposal I gather (by reading the link). Ok...clever but I am going to have to send the jury out on this one.
I believe it. Those Japanese are clever people. I wonder why they had those silly nuclear reactor generators when they could have had water powered ones?
Video: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/09/florida-police-blow-up-st_n_711046.html
Spose that is next.
What? Bugger the insect, mind the bloody fungus.
Hang on is this a Banksy? Neat, easy millish plus.
or here
I mean neat skillz n all but.....