Britt, I agree with you! I too recall being 12 yrs. old. 12 yr. old kids know better than that. That kid is just a brat and should be taught a lesson. At age 4 I was aware that if I destroyed anything there would be consequences. The rest of you, it doesn't matter how much the painting is, it does not belong to him! I believe the point here is that the boy's parents were just not responsible enough to teach that kid any better. The parents should pay to have that painting restored. Before some of you hit the reply button, YES, I DO HAVE KIDS myeself. I hold them accuntable for each and every one of their actions and their education. I may not be the smartest person out there, but my kids have known how to read, write, multipy, subract and behave even before entering kindergarten. Let me know if I left anything out, I'm sure that I did.
12 yr. old kids know better than that. That kid is just a brat and should be taught a lesson. At age 4 I was aware that if I destroyed anything there would be consequences. The rest of you, it doesn't matter how much the painting is, it does not belong to him! I believe the point here is that the boy's parents were just not responsible enough to teach that kid any better. The parents should pay to have that painting restored. Before some of you hit the reply button, YES, I DO HAVE KIDS myeself. I hold them accuntable for each and every one of their actions and their education. I may not be the smartest person out there, but my kids have known how to read, write, multipy, subract and behave even before entering kindergarten. Let me know if I left anything out, I'm sure that I did.