I took my scuba course in Minnewanka, and dove down to the old dam. It's really cool to see a dam completely submerged. I also did my night dive there, with a full moon over the mountains. It was pretty awesome.
We also used to have a Yacht Club there, and held the Mile High Regatta every year. I think the last one was around 1998 or so. I sailed in it most years as a kid.
This is a Croquet mallet used before modern rules were conceived. The idea was to hit your ball towards the wicket, then throw the axe at the peg before your ball stops rolling. The problem was drunken Croquet led to to many axe injuries, otherwise we would still be playing by those rules today. Of course we all know that drunken Croquet is the only way to play, so the new rules are probably better for all.
We also used to have a Yacht Club there, and held the Mile High Regatta every year. I think the last one was around 1998 or so. I sailed in it most years as a kid.
Battle Damage Tee Large Chocolate
Request Denied, Military Green XL
Request denied, XL, Crimson Red
"Request Denied", XL, Military Green
/get off my lawn!
4 Out of 5 Doctors Prefer Me in white, medium for my Wife, her doctors love the funny shirts I keep finding her.
Smart Ass - Sticky Moments XL Chocolate
Request Denied shirt in XL
Can I say penis here?