Good link and article. Having been the receiver of 3 physical assaults, no one came to my defense, and I know damn well that people saw what was happening. I did not yell or scream because I am mostly nonverbal, but these days I have learned how to fight and I am very capable of defending myself.
Sometimes peace is not always a good idea. Want to become enslaved by a more aggressive nation or ideology? Stop defending yourself. Then you would have no peace for sure.
Being a perpetual n00b, it took me quite a while to figure out leetspeak, but I sort of get it, and this chart gave me a laugh-out-loud, rolling on the floor laughing, scaring the [insert pet of your choice here].
The one thing about Captain EO that I found peculiar is when Michael Jackson said "We're going in."
A couple people mentioned the little orange winged creature that flew around and perched on Jackson's shoulder. I also bought the stuffed animal of it, as a gift for my sister.
Gosh. Nice idea and good for them, the are obviousely very functional homeless people. Alot of Homeless are not functional enough to organize and maintain like that. I bet the place smells like ass, though.
In Orange county I saw a furniture store called "Two Stupid Guys Selling Furniture".
Are you by any chance a Phil Hendrie fan? :-)
A couple people mentioned the little orange winged creature that flew around and perched on Jackson's shoulder. I also bought the stuffed animal of it, as a gift for my sister.
Happy Valentines to all you kooky creatures, by the way. I'll be alone. :-(