Booga's Comments

My dog seems to figure out where we're going about a half mile or so from our destination. I'm sure scent has more to do with it than anything else.
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Ah yes. Reminds me very much of a mastiff mix a friend had. He was so gentle and friendly, but had no idea how big he was. Snored so loud he could keep you up from another room.
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I have some mixed feelings about these guidelines.
I started my first job at 15. I got my driver's license at 15. I also had free reign to travel anywhere in town when I was 7. I frequently explored abandoned military outposts when I was a kid, and even found buried relics from those same outposts that eventually wound up in a museum. That being said, I also had to carry my brother after he sliced open his foot on one of those excursions, ain't all good.
Learned to swim at age 5, so rivers and stuff weren't a problem. I guess there isn't a good chart for this type of thing. The best option is to teach kids early on how to deal with life. Training them to swim, avoid poison, and avoid traffic are probably the best options. Life is dangerous. There's no way to protect your kids forever. Nobody makes it out alive.
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Did that. No help. I can only imagine they're presenting the offending image because I didn't turn on javascript. Not gonna bother letting some random website run their scripts on my browser, they're obviously hostile to people with javascript disabled. I've got better things to do with my time.
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Even worse, the issue WAS addressed in the Constitution via the 18th amendment. That went so poorly that the U.S. repealed it with the 21st amendment. The current state of affairs certainly can't be laid at the feet of the "Founding Fathers" of the country. There's been plenty of time and effort spent on the issues surrounding alcohol.
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Hmm, taken out of context, at first it looks like Batman's glove, but the person in the window is One Punch Man? The artist has very odd pacing/placement of random characters in the window frame on other comics in the same vein. Anyway, Superman should just remember to close the window at night.
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