Booga's Comments

While I agree with you for the most part, I think there is a benefit to articles like this.
I don't think it's about people who won't change. It's about everyone else. If it can help arm people with knowledge before they encounter someone who will try to steer them towards race-based groups, it might just make a difference.
Though, I think you're right about likely site demographics. I doubt many racial supremacists would visit here regularly and they certainly wouldn't read an article like this.
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This is a nice project.
I've known a few transgender people before, during, and after their transitions. The hardest part for me to adjust to wasn't the appearance, it was the name change, depending on how long I knew them before they started their transition.
I took a look at the gallery and most of the photos look about like one would expect people to look in everyday life. Though, the photo that stood out to me the most was the women hugging in the bathroom. Is that a thing?
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Exactly. There is no substitute for knowing where you're going and planning ahead.
I have had to tell my previous roommate several times to ignore Google Maps. Around here, it will put you on a toll road or city surface streets to shave a single minute off your route. Occasionally it even treats parking lots as if they were roads. :P
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While dodgeball CAN be an issue, it doesn't have to be. We only played it at recess, not gym class, so all participation was voluntary.
As long as the ball isn't too hard and you keep the distance far enough to keep the throws from being too hard, it can be a fun game. Personally, I liked being up on the wall since I was often the last man standing. I wasn't quite so good at throwing.
In any case, perhaps it would be best if additional options were available at the same time for those students that want to opt out of the game.
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Looks like there's a trailing underscore that snuck in there. Try:
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Looks like something out of a movie where a spy goes and buys a certain combination of products so the cashier hands him "today's special gift" secret envelope.
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If I were the neighbor to someone who bought the house and repainted it to black, I'd go over and shake their hand for improving the neighborhood.
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The key is to get a laser printer, not inkjet.Laser printers can last for years on a single cartridge if you're not doing much printing.Inkjets tend to clog up if you don't use them regularly. Then you lose all the ink, so you're out the money AND you have to go buy more at the store.
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Yep! Location, location, location!There's a reason that "prime spot" was up for sale.
Though I am still wondering what bonehead architect designed that spot. The only chance I think she has of winning is if it wasn't supposed to be a parking spot, but it was sold as one anyway.
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