Booga's Comments

Yeah, I was under the impression that the "crazy" part of the crazy cat lady stereotype was mostly because they simply had way too many cats. The Simpsons cat lady was the extremely outlandish take on it that added in "throwing cats while babbling incoherently."
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Earbuds existed way more than 20 years ago. I remember them being available when I was a kid in the '80s. Even Wikipedia agrees and says "The use of the term earbuds, which has been around since at least 1984.."

Now, popularity on the other hand still explains mostly everything, but that still doesn't tell the whole story. I've known people that have had to forego high-end ear covering headphones due to temporary hearing loss directly associated with them. They've had to move to open-air headphones. Apparently the loss of air circulation caused buildup of wax and inflammation.

Hearing loss due to overly loud headphones is still the main driver, and earbuds just make it that much more pronounced due to the sealed airway. However, for some people simply sealing the ear is enough to cause issues.
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Then we threw it all away on a diet heavy in salt and sugar. None of the produce growers compete on flavor. They all grow stuff that ships well, resists bugs and pesticide, and appears fresher longer instead of being tasty. Tomatoes now bounce when you drop them.
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It's good there's counseling for this, but there's more to being a parent than just DNA.
Adoption is awesome. It's much better to be in a family that wants you than one that doesn't.
Besides, it's not the kid's fault they were born with unexpected family histories.
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Hah. Sounds like a dog I know that we thought was an overweight lab. Turns out she's half sharpei and all the flab was just normal and she was not overweight at all.
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Everything here except the Nintendo Switch and TV are hooked up via Ethernet cables. My next purchase for networking is going to be a 10 gigabit Ethernet switch.
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Agreed. Their "copyright" identification and dispute resolution process is absolutely flat out busted.
I knew someone who made a video and used music he had a license for. Youtube tagged it anyway and pulled it down. Turns out the music artist had uploaded his music to a couple of sites where you could license music. The problem was that one of the sites registered ALL music with Youtube as "theirs" even though they didn't actually own the music. Thus, if you didn't license the music from that one site, you were effectively banned from using that artists music.
So, the video guy just replaced the music, problem solved. The biggest loser here was the musician as they were no longer considered for any video that guy made. The whole ordeal also means the video maker is looking at moving to some other platform so they won't have to deal with that sort of thing.
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