Booga's Comments

Back in school, everyone involved in a fight received punishment, no matter who started it or why. It was policy. No amount of logic or facts would sway the administration. I am certain it was a way to get out of having to decide who was at fault and risk making a mistaken choice in who to punish.
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So it's not just my great grandmother's recipe that used venison in the mincemeat pie!
I grew up thinking that other recipes didn't use venison because it was hard to get.
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What's wild about this to me is that our solar system "wanders" from one arm of the galaxy to the next. The arms themselves are a temporal illusion based on wave dynamics, so it's not so much that we're actually moving that far, but the density pattern shifts as the arms rotate. Of course, this is all happening on a celestial timescale so even knowing the details it's all a bit hard to visualize.
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Yeah, I hear ya. Still, when I worked at a call center there were more than a few customers that demanded to speak to my supervisor. Never once was I concerned about fallout from it because our managers were all non-technical. So long as you did your job right, the managers would listen to the complaints and put you back on the line to finish the call. Someone doing something worth getting fired over was an incredibly rare thing.
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I love these articles. I wish we would see more movies made about women spies. The stories are at least as incredible and heroic as the ones involving men.
I just wish Hollywood producers would stop adding love stories into films that don't need them. It's always distracting and harrowing tales of survival like this one wouldn't need it anyway.
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I also have heard that using ice to chill the breast meat before sticking it in the oven can help since white meat dries out faster than dark meat. It slows the cooking down just enough to help keep it juicy.
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