Booga's Comments

It's very heavily influenced by region. I went through every decade they had and noticed they didn't have a single country song from any of them. However, they had several rap songs.
Even if you grew up in the US but listened to country radio you probably wouldn't know many of the songs they selected for the quiz.
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Musical tastes also vary from person to person, and I don't recognize a single song from the list of music in the image above. I tried every single decade and 40% was the best I got(80s). A couple of songs from later decades I "knew" but could tell they were covers. I'm not sure why they considered covers to be more relevant than the originals.

I didn't really listen to the radio, and when I did it was mostly news stations. However, I'm exceptionally good at identifying movie or video game soundtracks, titles, and composers. A fair portion of the music I did know for the quiz were ones used in movie soundtracks, including the Wild Wild West main theme.
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This is smart marketing on their part. They're making this sound like they're doing something good for the public. However, Take a close look at what they're really cutting. They're cutting back on commissions to people that post affiliate links and keeping the money. They're also cutting back on shipping costs by not giving people the one day shipping they paid for with their Prime subscriptions. They're using it to tweak and break contracts and hoping they won't be penalized. Ya know, because "we're doing our part!"

On top of that, they're cutting back on advertising costs, especially for Mother's/Father's day to see exactly how much that saves versus the drop in sales. Prime day is "postponed" unless of course they just happen to do it anyway if the Mother's/Father's day test shows they still need to do it. Plus it lets them make sure they can push it back if things are still bad. Shrewd business moves across the board, unless you happen to be an affiliate or Prime customer in Europe.
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They lost their dominance once other platforms offered voice calling. They lost it when they decided to revamp the interface and fill it with ads. They lost it for real when they went all flat with Windows 8 style windows and took half the functionality out of the program.

They blew it. Others do it better these days, and without the ads in most cases.
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"Overuse" can have several different meanings. It could be: using antibiotics when they aren't needed, using antibiotics for much longer than necessary, using antibiotics to promote animal growth, using antibiotics as a preventative, using the wrong antibiotics, using stronger antibiotics than needed, etc...

The article does cover several of those, but they mix it in with a push to abolish the "complete the course" advice from the doctor's instructions. What they really mean is that the "standard" course of antibiotics should be reviewed and adjusted to a shorter period of treatment, if it is appropriate to do so. Unfortunately, the hodgepodge of causes for overuse of antibiotics causes the article to lack the focus it needs to make a solid argument for their main talking point.

It's not the worst article ever, but it just comes across as a piece from a journalist instead of a useful review of medical practices that need reevaluating. A shame really since it's not a bad idea.
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I, for one, am glad the image does not move on the main page. I am also among those that consider the hard "g" to be the proper pronunciation since it stands for the word "graphics."
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Great. So when he graduates he will be a lawyer motivated by anger, resentment, and spite. On top of that, he's the sort to hold a grudge for years.
Specialty prediction: divorce lawyer
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