As with most problems in the U.S. today, there is no single culprit behind the decrease in the number of math and science majors/graduates.
High school science classes do not use engaging activities in order to be "fun-oriented". Projects such as egg drops, bridge building and many more "hands-on" exercises are used because MOST PEOPLE learn best when material is presented in multiple formats. Some people can learn best by reading or seeing, a smaller number can learn from listening (standard lecture format in most colleges), but maximum learning -- and more importantly, *understanding* comes best with kinetic (hands-on/body-involved) learning. When confronted with a primarily-lecture format, they may well find this less-effective teaching method more difficult. That would be even more true in a huge state university with 500 in a lecture class and a promise that only 20% will pass.
As a sub (and a former science teacher myself), I have seen some high school projects whose value I considered suspect, but I recognize that I was seeing, at most, only 1 day in 30, so that impression may have been inaccurate.
Parents, business, and most of all government demand "accountability" to ensure that students are taught critical information. They deem a written test to be the only way to provide this accountability. Given that one's job (and the school system's government funding) is based to some degree on the results of this test, it would be stupid not to TEACH THE TEST. Even if the exact questions are unknown, the topics covered must be public information, so things not covered in the test will not get as much class time. DUH!
At the same time, many parents and students are unwilling to spend large parts of their evening on homework. As small children, this makes some sense as kids need playtime as well as study in order to learn most effectively. In high school, many have part-time jobs, and object to homework because they must choose between school, work, and sleep. (Work does not lose. If sleep loses, they cannot focus well at school; if homework loses, they may not have the practice to help them effectively understand the next topic.)
I don't have all the answers. I do have some ideas that may help. One would be for colleges to look at some of their own research on effective learning strategies and actually implement those techniques. Many college science classes have lab sections; there is no reason why those lab sections could not be used for effective hands-on learning. They're run largely by graduate students, anyway -- it wouldn't even be a big burden on the professor.
We ALL need to re-examine our priorities. If we want our nation to stay in the race (let alone on top) in the world, we may in fact need to pass up some of the income and leisure activities teens (and kids generally) have in favor of more study. We need to look at the media -- what do we see and hear? Triple slow-motion repeats of blood spray when someone is shot, people living down to the lowest common denominator -- and being praised for it, "reality" shows that at best encourage, and usually demand and glorify backbiting and deceit? What in that encourages "biting the bullet" to excel?
It's time to quit whining about how terrible things are, get off our butts and set an example for our kids. Instead of grousing that "the rich" are exploiting everyone else, take control of your choices. Respect the productive people around you, even if they have personal habits you hate, are the "wrong" color, are the "wrong" sex, or worship a different (or no) God. Praise your kids for things they do right, help them learn from what they mess up *without* telling them how worthless or stupid they are.
It might not make a quick turn-around on declining science graduates, but it could be a start.
High school science classes do not use engaging activities in order to be "fun-oriented". Projects such as egg drops, bridge building and many more "hands-on" exercises are used because MOST PEOPLE learn best when material is presented in multiple formats. Some people can learn best by reading or seeing, a smaller number can learn from listening (standard lecture format in most colleges), but maximum learning -- and more importantly, *understanding* comes best with kinetic (hands-on/body-involved) learning. When confronted with a primarily-lecture format, they may well find this less-effective teaching method more difficult. That would be even more true in a huge state university with 500 in a lecture class and a promise that only 20% will pass.
As a sub (and a former science teacher myself), I have seen some high school projects whose value I considered suspect, but I recognize that I was seeing, at most, only 1 day in 30, so that impression may have been inaccurate.
Parents, business, and most of all government demand "accountability" to ensure that students are taught critical information. They deem a written test to be the only way to provide this accountability. Given that one's job (and the school system's government funding) is based to some degree on the results of this test, it would be stupid not to TEACH THE TEST. Even if the exact questions are unknown, the topics covered must be public information, so things not covered in the test will not get as much class time. DUH!
At the same time, many parents and students are unwilling to spend large parts of their evening on homework. As small children, this makes some sense as kids need playtime as well as study in order to learn most effectively. In high school, many have part-time jobs, and object to homework because they must choose between school, work, and sleep. (Work does not lose. If sleep loses, they cannot focus well at school; if homework loses, they may not have the practice to help them effectively understand the next topic.)
I don't have all the answers. I do have some ideas that may help. One would be for colleges to look at some of their own research on effective learning strategies and actually implement those techniques. Many college science classes have lab sections; there is no reason why those lab sections could not be used for effective hands-on learning. They're run largely by graduate students, anyway -- it wouldn't even be a big burden on the professor.
We ALL need to re-examine our priorities. If we want our nation to stay in the race (let alone on top) in the world, we may in fact need to pass up some of the income and leisure activities teens (and kids generally) have in favor of more study. We need to look at the media -- what do we see and hear? Triple slow-motion repeats of blood spray when someone is shot, people living down to the lowest common denominator -- and being praised for it, "reality" shows that at best encourage, and usually demand and glorify backbiting and deceit? What in that encourages "biting the bullet" to excel?
It's time to quit whining about how terrible things are, get off our butts and set an example for our kids. Instead of grousing that "the rich" are exploiting everyone else, take control of your choices. Respect the productive people around you, even if they have personal habits you hate, are the "wrong" color, are the "wrong" sex, or worship a different (or no) God. Praise your kids for things they do right, help them learn from what they mess up *without* telling them how worthless or stupid they are.
It might not make a quick turn-around on declining science graduates, but it could be a start.