If everyone in the world were to have 20 children it would be a problem but having a family that large isn't very common. They are 22 people in a world with 7 billion, there no need to make them the scapegoats for all of the world's ills. The Duggars are not a plague of locusts.
While she should probably see a doctor to get a complete diagnosis, you shouldn't assume she is bipolar just because she felt that she had an epiphany in the video store.
I don't know how old you have to be to be a researcher in Antarctica but some of them look awfully young. Also, I think I would have made another sign rather than having an obvious correction on it.
Anybody who can beat an screaming animal, baby animals no less, with a shovel is undoubtedly a terrible person. There is no way there isn't something wrong with someone who can look at how terrified those animals were and still do something like that. I certainly wouldn't feel bad if I found out someone beat him so severely that he had broken limbs, it would serve him right. I am not saying I could go do that myself but I wouldn't be able to help but feel that justice was served. I hope someone tells him that.
Also, I think I would have made another sign rather than having an obvious correction on it.