The pictured one reminds me of the scene in the cartoon "Animalympics", where athetic shoes from down the ages are depicted; the "Baroque Age" shoe had a sole consisting of giant teeth....
I'm going on the offensive and claiming the pooh-poohers must've never worked a day of retail or food service in their lives, and logic clearly isn't their strong point; standing means the husband can answer the call of Nature without having to disturb his wife by getting up.
I feel like taking umbrage with the first sentence, "Surprisingly, this worked."; has the writer never seen someone's DirectTV dish mounted on the side of a house or apartment? Same thing.
Option 3 (and I have a sinking feeling this option will win out): smog up the sky so we can't see it-or anything else for that matter-at all. The companies that make use of this idea will write it off as a failure rather than pitch a single dime into cleaning up the air, and climate change picks up speed....
There's not a sign/notice/flag/signal/whatever on the planet that 100% of the public will pay attention to 100% of the time, and we'd only use it to screw each other over if there was.
There's not a sign/notice/flag/signal/whatever on the planet that 100% of the public will pay attention to 100% of the time, and we'd only use it to screw each other over if there was.