Somehow the closer they got to present, less inventive they get. The moves they do today are most likely harder than the slow paced beginning.. When they barred standing on the beam, they took away a lot of variety. All performances look the same, to the point that i thought they had to do the same moves before accidentally stumbling on another article about the progression of this sport..
Most situations can be solved by expressing peace and most of all, calmness. Soft tone and reason, a lot of apologies has avoided me of getting a single punch in me nogging. And i have never hit anybody so karma works, right? I'd have a period in my history when there was a serious lifethreat but when even the enemy knows that you're not going to act stupidly, you get a lot of respect. Just be cool. In those times that i had a gun pointed at me, the fact that i was not panicking probably saved me.
And i do concur, when someone tries to make you go to a more secluded area, worse is gonna follow. If they are prepared to make their crime in public, what's stopping them later? Just give the money and run.
Arming yourself is just stupid idea, people rcreate false sense of security so they are taking unnecessary risks early on, when the situation could be avoided.. How many people will give their wallet and run with a gun in their pocket? More likely the thing escalates into a lifethreatening situation for both parties involved.
And then there are the lost fights, then you can do whatever you like. By that i mean there's more than one assailant, you're cornered, ie the situation is lost. Run, hit, bash em with tv sets..
Discrimination, clearly. I would just negate everything by saing out loud "the following sentence is what is wrong with Religion:" and then resite the verse.. Or "the following sentence is total BS" or something like that.. The owner was clever that uýou have to use that one verse, there would'v been so many great ones, like in the second half of Deuteronomy or Leviticus...
It would've been much more helpful if you actually included those rhymes in the article. Only people from english speaking countries now know what you're talking about. Everybody else, a consiberable amount, are now left out.
Next time, look at the map or better yet, ask this site where they get the traffic from.. Then think how the article relates to all readers. I was looking forward of reading this as i really like to expand my vocabulory but now it would require constant googling to find those rhymes.
FF5 and every other video sites works well but Vimeo. They have had this problem for a long time but they won't back down from HTML5 videos. I try to spread the word so that people who upload videos know about it.. They have the option to change their video to flash in Vimeo which DO work everywhere (well, almost everywhere.. i smell a big connections between Apple and Vimeo even thou they deny it strongly...) Not Neatoramas fault but Neato can suggest that new posts are made in flash, not h264..
Not worth it, the kevlar reinforced costs almost the same as the old regular ones (~6€ vs 10€~)... The seatbelt would fold in it self and give you a very bumby ride. Also i got the run-on-flat innertubes (again only 2€ more) and haven't had a problem since..
Yeah. I got a stinkin squirrel underpants and an issue of mentalfloss and i know you got it free. yippee. i knew that participating overseas get you nothing and i blew 16 euros on which is like 23 dollars.. Not worth it.. Just to show that overseas your going to get ripped. Period. Exclamation mark!
Boondock Saints. Why? It is on so many such lists and i really can't see why. Good, funny and entertaining. Not particulary bad acting (some very memorable scenes, Willem Dafoe in drag, can anyone forget that?), nothing wrong with the script as such, decent camera work and good editing.
It does not belong to the top 50 best films either but as bad as Gigli? Come on...
Many critic put this movie to the worst pile but can't remember any reasons. Maybe they hate the director or something? All that negativity has caused the director not to have any job in 10 years.. and i admit he's next/only work after that is witnessing a genius at work or a very, very bad move. He's gone and done a sequel.. and it comes out 10 years after the first..
And i do concur, when someone tries to make you go to a more secluded area, worse is gonna follow. If they are prepared to make their crime in public, what's stopping them later? Just give the money and run.
Arming yourself is just stupid idea, people rcreate false sense of security so they are taking unnecessary risks early on, when the situation could be avoided.. How many people will give their wallet and run with a gun in their pocket? More likely the thing escalates into a lifethreatening situation for both parties involved.
And then there are the lost fights, then you can do whatever you like. By that i mean there's more than one assailant, you're cornered, ie the situation is lost. Run, hit, bash em with tv sets..
Next time, look at the map or better yet, ask this site where they get the traffic from.. Then think how the article relates to all readers. I was looking forward of reading this as i really like to expand my vocabulory but now it would require constant googling to find those rhymes.
It does not belong to the top 50 best films either but as bad as Gigli? Come on...
Many critic put this movie to the worst pile but can't remember any reasons. Maybe they hate the director or something? All that negativity has caused the director not to have any job in 10 years.. and i admit he's next/only work after that is witnessing a genius at work or a very, very bad move. He's gone and done a sequel.. and it comes out 10 years after the first..
Poor guy. Read more from the WikiPedia:
You can easily picture that line being said by a supervillain in some Bond movie or in Clancys book.