This is what old breast pumps used to look like. Back in those days they were much more complicated, and probably painful...The shell part came off and you would attach the bottle, or if it was not for immediate use you could swivel it back so that it didn't spill.
Back in the old days they really liked big shells because people thought you could hear the ocean through them, so when they made a fake one and they had the same noise they quickly put it in a contraption so that the mouth was covered up less the ocean escape and you never hear the ocean out of it again. Of course they never stopped to think how the ocean packed itself in a tiny little shell to begin with.
It is an old kitchen container, for cereals or spices like salt. You place it in a corner and swivel it down to get the stuff out. That's why the nosle end is shaped like that when you swivel it down it pours downward. It swivels back so rodents can't get into it, although I think it should have something to close it shut like a piece of rubber.
It's an old hermit crab catcher you put it in the sand and wait for the hermit crab to come in, once you capture it you swivel it back into place until you get home and remove it from the metal casing. It also doubles as an educational tool as it allows children to see the way hermit crabs look outside of the shell.
This is a rare part of a hamster habitat circa 1800's you can tell by the period's obsession with metal parts. This part could double as a hamster wheel or a carrier. Unfortunately when attached to the rest of the habitat the hamster would often be decapitated on the metal parts trying to escape to the other areas. This led to the pumpkin shortage of 1820 where decapitated rodents said they had had enough and went on rampage stealing every baby pumpkin they could find, carved them, mounted pigeons and attacked entire cities a la Hitchcock. When plastic became popular little girls everywhere switched habitats to avoid any more misunderstandings with hamsters who up to this point had believed that their enclosures were execution style prisons.
This is what parents used to give their children as babies to prepare them for the harsh conditions of factory work. When child labor laws kicked in they became obsolete.
This is what the old school back massagers worked. Their big downside was if your wife wasn't paying attention she could send you to the ER with mashed potato skin...
It's an old chastity device, one of the original devices. Unfortunately it was quickly dropped when it was found out the device caused the one thing they were trying to prevent...
It's what they had to use on Bender's mechanical and metalic parts to wring out the alcohol after he drank do much a robot actually got alcohol was a strange day in medical science.
The post office in a last ditch effort to return to solvency has dropped all their stamp printing machines. Now they have resorted to kidnapped elves from Santa's workshop. The elves hand paint the stamps. After they are done they use this device to cut the edges on the stamps.
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Vampire Poser, Black large Tshirt
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I want to believe alien ver, tshirt black large
Support cloning tshirt dark brown large
I want to believe alien ver, tshirt black large
Support cloning tshirt dark brown large
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