I think a “Blogger Appreciation Day” is a nice idea, but putting money front and center could backfire. Now it looks less like “Thanksgiving” and more like “Blogger Tax Day”. I think that most bloggers that are not already monetizing their work are not all that interested in a little extra cash.
It also looks a bit like a Flattr marketing campaign. Did you try to get other companies like PayPal, Kachingle, TipTheWeb to get behind the concept?
The idea of a “Blogger Day” itself is great, of course, just like “Mothers’ Day” or “Earth Day”. Maybe it can be put on a broader platform next year.
It also looks a bit like a Flattr marketing campaign. Did you try to get other companies like PayPal, Kachingle, TipTheWeb to get behind the concept?
The idea of a “Blogger Day” itself is great, of course, just like “Mothers’ Day” or “Earth Day”. Maybe it can be put on a broader platform next year.