Wow, I can't believe you are so selfish and dense that you would agree with this lunk-headed piece of garbage legislation. If we do not lower our energy usage we can look forward to decades more wasteful wars in the Middle-East to secure the last of their energy (and more dead American kids and lost money)and infinite rising global temperatures, just so that the spoiled children of the empire (you) can have their pretty lights. CFL's are superior to incandescent lights in EVERY way, and while I will miss the old bulbs too, I realize that they are wasteful and unnecessary. Please educate yourself on this issue!
I'm sorry, is their something wrong with developing an idea of what society will expect from you in advance? These kids will be freaks when they grow up, and this sad little test in social engineering will prove only that test like these never work.
Yes, creating a test that way is lazy. But it is still, very much, cheating. We are rapidly becoming a nation of lawyers, all of us looking for a short-cut. It is absurd to even postulate these kids weren't cheating. They knew what was expected. Getting a hold of the test bank is absolutely cheating, not "enhanced studying". They took the class with an understanding of what was expected and they violated both the spirit and the letter of their contract.