I was going to do something along these lines. I was thinking about laying slabs of Horker meat all over the house, because they look truely disgusting.
Cute, but I have a natural repulsion to really really intricate cakes (to eat anyway). The mind-frame being that if a cake is that detailed then someone probably had their fingers all over it, or at the very least their face inches away and breathing all over it. Either way... ew.
I HATE this question with a burning passion. Bad way to start a conversation with me, and a great way to make me instantly dislike you without knowing a thing about you. If this question is in your arsenal of "openers" please, get rid of it. I don't like talking about my work. I am a private person. (yep I do work, though. Myssteerious isn't it? I don't care. My business. Not yours.)
Either way... ew.
If this question is in your arsenal of "openers" please, get rid of it.
I don't like talking about my work. I am a private person. (yep I do work, though. Myssteerious isn't it? I don't care. My business. Not yours.)