Lostfiniel's Comments

These types of incidents always make me wonder who ends up paying for the damages in the end. I suppose the driver's car insurance does....and then they up his pay...


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I've never understood those who view Barbie as a child's guide to looks. Sure, the doll has adult features. But, she is supposed to. When children are growing up there are very important phases that need to be gone through to form a mature adult. One of those is "playing adult" We've all seen pictures of little girls dressed in mom's dress and shoes, clomping through the house. This is just another extension of that.

Barbies can also provide useful when girls experience the need to show maternal concerns. (Although, baby dolls would be more fitting.)

If barbies came in "Stripper Barbie" "High School Dropout Barbie" and "Streetwalker Barbie" I would be more concerned.
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"If the child had scurvy it was abuse fo a differnet kind. Look at them, they do not appear to eat well."

I agree they don't look as if they eat well. However, I don't think the conclusion can be made that their appearance alone constitutes abuse. After all, it was said that the scurvy was a rare case.

Anyway, I always feel frustrated when I hear of cases like this. There is a point when bureaucracy goes too far.
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My first Tokyolash treasure hunt! That is fun.

I'd LOOOOVE to have the Rouge in black. First year marriage anniversary coming up and it would make a great present!!!
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Even before computers people would meet each other for dates without ever seeing each other. The lonely hearts column in news papers would advertise people looking for a mate, etc...

The people who are so concerned about dating sites don't have a full understand of the history of dating.
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"If I wanted to hear about every little thing other people’s kids said and did, I’d watch a Funniest Home Videos marathon. Children are not as cute or amusing as parents seem to think they are."

I agree. I think it is a necessity for parents to love every little thing their child does. As my mom said "If you and your brother hadn't been so cute, I would have killed you out of frustration long ago." I love my mom.
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"Flying Sphagetti Monster = food
Banana = food

I am just saying."

People care a lot about food. It is our main source of energy. Also, it tastes good. It doesn't surprise me that people look to food for spirituality.
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The gangs are becoming a real problem here in California. Mostly in LA. I used to go up to LA and enjoy a weekend there now and then. Right now, I am much too afraid to go up because of the rising violence. The police chief, Bill Bratton, doesn't know how to handle Los Angeles crimes. He should go back to New York.
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This is so amazingly irresponsible. Exotic animals should never be considered pets, let alone children. A very large majority of the exotic animals out there are under private owners and mis-treated. People rarely know how to properly care for their animal. Most don't go through the right steps so they are not being held accountable.

"Humanizing" wild animals is one of the worst mindsets for animal conservation. If I ever meet someone who owns an exotic animal, I will not hesitate to give them a peace of my mind.
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I really can't believe this doesn't qualify as animal abuse.

You can tell that would normally be a passive snake. So very depressing. Stuff like this really upsets me.
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