I don't mean to say that elephants are aggressive. I know they're fairly docile animals and they bond fairly well with people. But, due to their massive size, they easily hurt their keepers without meaning to. The stories I've heard from zookeepers are less to do with rampages and more to do with an elephant leaning against his enclosure wall without realizing the keeper was there. Get too close while they are walking and I can
It seems odd to me that they would allow a child, especially an autistic child, to work so closely with elephants. Elephants can be very dangerous to handle due mostly in part to their large size. Many zookeepers have been hurt and killed while caring for their wards and I can easily imagine something bad happening to the child.
It's always wonderful to see an austic child coming into something that enriches their lives. But, I have to wonder if this crosses a line.
If the only thing I new about models was what I read in these comments, I would suppose that all models are stick thin people who starve themselves to the point of sickness. I'd also know that everyone who is not a model is obese and pigs out to the point of sickness.
There is a part 1 on youtube that shows two women sitting on the chair. Seems to be fairly stable. But, then again, sitting lightly and treating it as a couch are to different things entirely.
The only problem with trying to play a tune on it is that, if it is a musical instrument, it's not full anymore. But, the reason I believe it could be is that, if it were complete, the instrument would be capable ofplaying our diatonic scale. So, it could play most songs that we are familar with.
If that's true it's even more amazing. Not only would Neanderthals have been musically inclined, they would have developed something close to what we have.
I have been known to double my tip when the server does a exceptional job.
Tips should always be optional.
I work front desk at a hotel and I have to say, I always do my very best to help out our customers many times well beyond what I am obligated to do. But, I rarely get tips. We have people staying with us for long periods of time and they come to rely on us. So, why not us?
The restaurant industry has come to rely too heavily on tips. Working below minimum wage just goes to show that.
These pigs would not be a good idea to breed for meat or profit. Pigs are normally much cheaper than this. Buying such an expensive pig, feeding it until prime, paying for shots and vet bills and anything else will make the whole thing not worth the money. Really, the only reason anyone would pay this much for a pig is if it was a companion animal. In which case, the price is just fine. People pay as much or more for pedigree dogs.
I think it's just fine for now. Sure, we're messing with evolution here...but the fact that we breed normal pigs at all is the exact same thing. And, as far as domesticated animals go, pigs haven't been changed so much from their original state. Pigs left in the wild quickly revert back to a natural state and they can actually survive on their own (Unlike almost all of our dog breeds.)
I don't know much about ADHD children. I've never been exposed much to ADHD and I won't claim I know better than anyone else.
However, if it is true that waiting in long lines is physically painful for ADHD children, why would the parents put them through it? There are ways to get around just sitting and waiting.
Go to the park during low season or on a weekday. Head to the popular rides when there are less people in the park and less popular rides when it is crowded.
As a camp counselor, we had a ton of games up our sleeves to keep kids from being bored at any point. Playing rock, paper, scissors over and over would be boring, but mixing up games will keep everyone's mind off the waiting. Lines can also be a good time for snacking and making sure everyone is hydrated and sun-blocked.
It's always wonderful to see an austic child coming into something that enriches their lives. But, I have to wonder if this crosses a line.
If that's true it's even more amazing. Not only would Neanderthals have been musically inclined, they would have developed something close to what we have.
Tips should always be optional.
I work front desk at a hotel and I have to say, I always do my very best to help out our customers many times well beyond what I am obligated to do. But, I rarely get tips. We have people staying with us for long periods of time and they come to rely on us. So, why not us?
The restaurant industry has come to rely too heavily on tips. Working below minimum wage just goes to show that.
I think it's just fine for now. Sure, we're messing with evolution here...but the fact that we breed normal pigs at all is the exact same thing. And, as far as domesticated animals go, pigs haven't been changed so much from their original state. Pigs left in the wild quickly revert back to a natural state and they can actually survive on their own (Unlike almost all of our dog breeds.)
However, if it is true that waiting in long lines is physically painful for ADHD children, why would the parents put them through it? There are ways to get around just sitting and waiting.
Go to the park during low season or on a weekday.
Head to the popular rides when there are less people in the park and less popular rides when it is crowded.
As a camp counselor, we had a ton of games up our sleeves to keep kids from being bored at any point. Playing rock, paper, scissors over and over would be boring, but mixing up games will keep everyone's mind off the waiting. Lines can also be a good time for snacking and making sure everyone is hydrated and sun-blocked.