I loved Space Mountain when I was a kid. But the last time I went on (in my 20s), it wasn't the way I had remembered. You could actually see light coming in from outside and see the rails of the track. When I was a kid, I remember it really felt like you were in space (total darkness with little lights as the star). It's been a while since I've been on the ride, probably because I was disappointed last time.
Been there years ago but it's nice to know they know how to live green, healthy, and have fun while they commute. I do miss the Netherlands... very nice people.
saw this on yahoo or something. weird, great grandson can take gram to prom but you can't take your lesbian girlfriend to prom (heck, they cancel the whole prom because of it!). Weird messages for teens nowadays.
considering there are a lot of suicides by jumping in front of trains. I can only imagine what it'd be like with a train like that around! lots of flying or smashed bodies around. i wonder if they'll have a cleaning crew around?