Ursula's Comments

Judging by the photo, it appears the time-traveling T-1000 made a detour to 1896 on his way to kill John Connor. Admittedly the resemblance isn't so strong in the profile, but from the front he's a dead ringer! (Perhaps the profile shot caught him mid-morph.)
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Depressed, not recognizing a lot of these songs doesn't mean you're necessarily old... It means you don't pay attention to the incredibly crappy music that's dominated the charts for most of this decade. Other than Lady Gaga, every single performer on these lists would make me dive for the "off" button.

The Nutrition Facts for Songs thing strikes me as pretty silly. A lot of the best songs ever written are about heartache, getting dumped, unrequited love, possessive lovers... Following this system, you'd end up listening to a lot of treacly love ballads recorded by American Idol rejects.
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I hear ya, Andygirl. It was fascinating footage, and then all of a sudden there's a giant, dead seal baby being eaten. I knew all the animals would be eating something, but did it have to be perhaps the cutest creature on Earth?
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While the union's actions are arguably excessive, this is a complicated issue. 39 employees have been laid off, and in this economy the people who are remaining are desperate to hold on to their jobs. While the kid deserves thanks for what he did, the union members aren't being totally unreasonable. It's supposed to be the city's responsibility to do things like that, and if private citizens start doing the city's work, it gets complicated legally. (What if something that kid did results in an injury, or a fire?)

My point is that this clearly isn't a case of union "bullying". Unions certainly aren't perfect, they can be very crooked. But too many people these days are reflexively anti-union... Even as we're gradually losing a lot of the employee benefits that the unions fought for.
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It really is amazingly stupid and wrong. If this was just a Photoshop job it's just an awful concept for an ad, but if they really put this up for an entire month and the women didn't have any say in it, that's... kind of evil. Why not just make every girl in the dorm wear a shirt that says YOUR NEXT ONE-NIGHT STAND for a month? It's the same message.

Understand, I'm not super-feminist. At all. I'm not the type to rant about the "patriarchy." But this thing is sleazy and insulting.
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Actually, that one really, REALLY looks like something from Deep Space Nine. So much so that I suspect it was secretly designed by Cardassians.
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Writing copy is a real job. Doing transcription is a real job. Research is a real job. But a set-up like this takes these jobs, breaks them into lots of little tasks and gives those tasks to people who will do them for virtually nothing. If you have just about any job that involves using your brains and a keyboard, make no mistake, this business model is a very real risk to your career.
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The jobs listed on that site often take hours, or days. Here a few of the current "generous" offers:

"Research & Write Copy for Bio" for two dollars.

"5 Restaurant Review in your Area" for $1.01

And then there are jobs like "Write a 10,000 word article on the latest IM trend" - for a penny.

Salon published an informative article about this in 2006: http://www.salon.com/tech/feature/2006/07/24/turks/ The article describes this as a virtual sweatshop, and that is spot on. Instead of having to hire a person to write something and paying them the going rate, they can hire 60 bored college kids at 2 cents each.

Now, in addition to outsourcing to other countries, jobs are being "crowdsourced" for pennies. At this rate, I seriously wonder what jobs will be left in the US by 2020.
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>Sounds tempting.

Really? If I'm understanding this correctly, people are literally working for hours to earn nickels. I really hope I'm misunderstanding how this works... But it sure looks the going rate for hours (or days) of work is under a dime. As somebody who makes her living as a freelance writer, this site looks pretty horrifying. I really hope this model doesn't catch on, and I can't imagine why people would work that hard for so little return.
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Geekazoid, we don't know anything about his situation beyond the article... He says he needs to take care of his family, and there could be medical expenses or other expenses we don't know about. Also, being out of work since February is a long time... If you had no incoming cash at all, you could burn through a lot of savings in that time.

I'd agree that walking around with a sign is not a good way to get hired... But if the guy really is on the brink of being homeless and he's tried all the usual channels, I can understand him being so desperate he'd try anything. And who knows, maybe the publicity from this story will lead to somebody hiring him! Let's hope.
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Adsy, you're assuming that plant life on other planets would have evolved like the plant life here and it would need Earth-like conditions to thrive. There's no reason to assume plant life on Mars would be so similar to plants here. Again, I really doubt this is a log... But I'm not ruling it out just because EARTH's plant life couldn't survive there.

I also really doubt it's just a rock. That would be a very long, thin, weird rock.

If you saw that Mythbusters where they debunked the moon landing "hoax," it was really striking how shadows could do all kinds of weird stuff, making something convex look concave, etc. I'm still thinking this is a fissure into the ground, and it's just a weird shadow.
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I'll admit that it does really look like a log... But look at it a different way: maybe the dark shadow is actually a fissure into the ground, and the "wood" on top is just the side of the opening. Look at that opening in the upper left of the picture... It looks like this "log", in some ways.

I really hope it IS a log, though. That'd shake things up real good.
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Rachel, I know this whole discussion is really old, but I just saw your comment and felt like I should respond.

So, you go out and people don't hassle you. Hooray for you. I can't say that I've been hassled much to my face, either. But this isn't about our individual, face-to-face encounters with the public, it's about the representation and treatment of trannies in general. Even if one woman has never been sexually harrassed at work, she has no right to claim sexual harrassment just doesn't happen. Even if one black guy has never been hassled by cops, that diesn't mean racial profiling isn't a very real problem.

We both know that trannies are all too often depicted as jokes or serial killers in the media. So, you personally get along fine with people. Hooray for you. But trannies are routinely beaten and killed in this country, and "funny" ads suggesting that we're sneaking around "fooling" guy (and that nothing could be more disgusting) do play a part in American's marginalization and general sorry-ass treatment of people like us. One joke is just a joke. But this is joke number 999999999999 about how gross and sneaky we are. To hell with that.

You suggest that some people need to "get over themselves." Look in the mirror, hon. No, on second thought... STOP looking in the mirror and look around at the rest of the world.
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