Gasoline is already nearly $10 a barrel in most of Europe.
The Stone Age didn't end because we ran out of stones, the Bronze Age didn't end because we ran out of bronze. The Oil Age won't come to an end because we run out of oil.
One of my grandfathers was a Paratrooper in WW2. One of his friends kept a bullet with his name written on it on the belief that if he possessed said bullet, no body could fire it at him. While searching a house, a large, heavy Bible with re-enforced steel corners fell off a shelf and hit the percussion cap of the bullet causing it to go off and kill him. If you believe that, then you'll believe this Bible story.
Why is everyone obsessed with sharks eating humans? Please, leave the poor sharks alone. They've been in the sea for the last 100,000,000 years, we've been in the sea for the last 50. THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IN EATING HUMANS.
1.227 trillion barrels
Total world extractable oil resources in 2008:
1.331 trillion barrels
Gasoline is already nearly $10 a barrel in most of Europe.
The Stone Age didn't end because we ran out of stones, the Bronze Age didn't end because we ran out of bronze. The Oil Age won't come to an end because we run out of oil.