Noelegy's Comments
*sigh* People misuse the word "racist" all the time. A thing, or statement, is only racist if it is implying that a race is inferior because of X. Even the statement "All [members of race] do X," isn't inherently racist, but it can be furthering stereotypes.
Or, to put it more simply, to say someone is stupid/ugly/evil/bad/etc. because they belong to a race is a racist statement. So is saying that someone CAN'T be SUEB/etc. BECAUSE they are of a certain race.
Or, to put it more simply, to say someone is stupid/ugly/evil/bad/etc. because they belong to a race is a racist statement. So is saying that someone CAN'T be SUEB/etc. BECAUSE they are of a certain race.
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I used to have a friend in high school who looked like a real-life version of Woody. When the first "Toy Story" movie came out, I immediately was struck by the resemblance.
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What do I think about it?
I'm pretty sure it was unnecessary. And I like Steve Buscemi as an actor.
I'm pretty sure it was unnecessary. And I like Steve Buscemi as an actor.
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"Excruciating?" If your teeth are soft enough, you can do this to yourself with a toothbrush.
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This is excellent news for the people in that region and I hope that it turns out well for them. I've been following this story for some time; over 2 million Sudanese slaughtered by their neighbors to the north.
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This is precious!
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Everything they say about home-grown tomatoes is true.
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I know a few politicians I'd like to fire... :)
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That is incredibly cute. But I find it hard to believe Skeletor would be a cat person.
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P.S. I'm not a Tea Partier. But I decided to base my opinion of them based on what they say rather than what's said about them.
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Anyone who uses the term "tea bagger" misunderstands the Tea Party and what it stands for.
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Vonskippy: or plates of chilled raisins.
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I've read before that world-record food accomplishments like this quite often are donated to charity, but on the subject of starving kids in Africa, there is no shortage of food sent to Africa. The problem is not supply, but distribution; all too often charitable donations are hijacked by Janjaweed or other pseudo-militia crapweasels to be sold on the black market.
Anyway, I don't think this big ol'burger would be in very good shape by the time it was shipped to Africa.
Anyway, I don't think this big ol'burger would be in very good shape by the time it was shipped to Africa.
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Che is not cool.
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Is it politically incorrect? Probably.