More space is necessary after sentence end, point moot.
Current algorithms provide this and delete the extra space... I regard this as the 'avatarization' of online text personalities. You don't get to see the real TTY output (coming from the long, long ago here). Are they fat? You'll never know, but you used to be able to tell if they could spell. Watch for the algorithmization of the its/it's thing... these fall as cheap AI proceeds.
If you take time to think about what you're writing the extra space at the end affects nothing... I waste much more on backspacing.
narcoleptic bee 2xl!
Current algorithms provide this and delete the extra space... I regard this as the 'avatarization' of online text personalities. You don't get to see the real TTY output (coming from the long, long ago here). Are they fat? You'll never know, but you used to be able to tell if they could spell. Watch for the algorithmization of the its/it's thing... these fall as cheap AI proceeds.
If you take time to think about what you're writing the extra space at the end affects nothing... I waste much more on backspacing.