ha, that is what I get for only reading half the article I linked to, "Laws and administrative measures against comics were passed between 1949 and 1955 in several countries, from Belgium to Korea, and the anti-American theme was strong even among such prominent American allies as the United Kingdom and Canada[2]" the [2] is For comparative perspectives, see John A. Lent (ed.), Pulp Demons: International Dimensions of the Postwar Anti-Comics Campaign, Madison Teaneck: Farleigh Dickinson University Press, and London: Associated University Presses, 1999.
I'm pretty sure there was an element of protectionism in tintins (and Asterix's) success story. I think American style comics were banned in parts of Europe for a time, leaving a vacuum of children's attention. An example in support of protectionism for cultural institutions anyway.
looks like the ban was only in France, and didn't occur until 1949.