@Bob.C - Yeah, their web site is a bit confusing to navigate. Perhaps I stumbled across an older price list?
What I don't understand is why anyone would pay an _annual_ fee just to use a font. I can understand a one-time download cost (say, $1 USD or something cheap like that), but an _annual_ fee? And not a cheap one at that!
I'm not dyslexic myself, but as a software engineer, I spend hours every day staring at text (source code). So any font that's easier to read interests me.
Roof tiles: Busted!
Van windshield: Busted!
For a second there, I was intrigued...
What I don't understand is why anyone would pay an _annual_ fee just to use a font. I can understand a one-time download cost (say, $1 USD or something cheap like that), but an _annual_ fee? And not a cheap one at that!
I'm not dyslexic myself, but as a software engineer, I spend hours every day staring at text (source code). So any font that's easier to read interests me.
Annual subscription price including VAT structure
Elementary € 225, -
BB School € 445, -
Vocational higher education institution or € 775, -
Institutions and companies:
- Less than 5 employees € 225, -
- 5-30 employees € 445, -
- 31-100 employees € 775, -
- 101-1000 mederwerkers € 975, -
- Over 1000 employees € 1950, -
Exclusively for use on a website € 285, -
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION?? Are they kidding??