Hmmmmm, a law that forces people to be thin? Actually kind of seems like a good idea.....maybe. I wonder if they offer free weight loss programs. Jenny Craig worked wonders for me but cost an arm and a leg, and after having a child, its virtually impossible for me to afford it again.
I have to agree with graymcarty, it just makes it easier to say "I'm from Canada". If the person inquiring would like to know where exactly, then I tell them, otherwise they seem to be content with Canada. Anyhoo, does this article call an insect a disease?
Putting butter on the Bloor via duct would probably look better than that creepy fence they put up. Of course, people would be lined up to have a lick. Which makes me wonder, did they use salted or unsalted?
Anyhoo, does this article call an insect a disease?