Boll - Thank you for that info. I suspected that was the case when I took a closer look. It appeared that if it was premade then it would really limit the orientation (viewer's perspective) of anything drawn on it. Very impressive stuff!
Running out of gas, I was forced to pay $4.86 a gallon yesterday. Of course I didn't fill up the tank. Just enough to get me to the cheaper station - $4.38 a gallon.
Wow. It seems that only a decade ago the people who couldn't discern fake from real tended to return a preponderance of false positives - by judging "real" when in fact fake. Now that same cross-section is returning false negatives of "fake" when in fact real. Does anyone know why this is happening? Are there just more and better fakes out there, so if you have no choice but to guess it's safer to guess fake?
I've managed to not find these redneck jokes funny either. Is the incoherent sentence that begins, "How to turn a chair..." a Neatorama mistake, a Pasta&Vinegar mistake, or was it ungraciously reprinted from the alleged redneck?
Disneyland just needs to open a section of the park and call it "Disneyland-land" - where all the old rides in their original format are duplicated in slightly smaller scale. Then they can keep tearing down all the cool stuff all over the park -- as long as they keep Disneyland-land alone.
Los Angeles
Meghan. Where were you that you got to hold one of these critters?
Ashes: I did the same thing as you did. Legless lizard?? What the heck?? Yay for quick wiki searches! ;)
Tempscire. I apologize for mistaking you for a pretend-know-it-all. You are not pretend.