This is totally ridiculous! (The charges against Bic.) -- While gendering pens does seem silly (but not any more so than anything else) the accusations here are even more so. Bic is competing in market with every imaginable price point and with a hundred million different styles, and they have to make distinct products somehow. So catering to different sections of the market is just an obvious strategy. I'm certain they have tons of market research showing gender preferences around size, shape, colour etc... (I have friends and family that would pick a pink pen over a black or blue one 100% of the time, and with no care for a price difference.) So arguing that the style differences are sexist would be hard to make, even if you were dead set on going there. Also, you'll also note that pens "for her" come in green, blue, and orange, so I'm not sure how ridiculous they're being on this front.
Kim Jong-un is considered a living God, and he has dropped in to visit them. These people are not "absolutely terrified" at all -- they're overcome with emotion, overwhelmed and in shock. ...this would be like Jesus showing up in someone's back yard in Kentucky. (Here is a North Korean pop song about some of the Dear Leader's magical abilities: -- He can see us all times, he flies across the nation at the speed of light, he blesses us with his mighty powers... you get the idea -- he's a living God.)
I love poutine; but I've lived in Vancouver for more than 30 years and have never seen poutine at any fast-food chain. Poutine at "almost every fast food restaurant" in Canada is a touch inaccurate. Based on what? Maybe in Quebec... That's like me saying "you can get Creole food at almost every diner in America" ...
I cooked at a restaurant, in Victoria B.C., that received an entire box of 200 eggs that were all double yolked. It kinda grossed me out. (My boss loved it because he sold each yolk as an egg, thereby getting 200 free eggs.)
Seems to me like there is some sort of funky artificial fertilization going on here rather than some random twins.
Seems to me like there is some sort of funky artificial fertilization going on here rather than some random twins.