Zappa was a genius. When he discovered that the recordings of the hearings was in the public domain, he loaded the lot of it into his synthesizer and created a composition called "PORN WARS". The song perfectly expresses his contempt for the proceedings and the surrealism of the moment.
The secret to enjoying the last three Star Wars movies is to be eight years old again. Give the guy, give the GENIUS a break. Make yer own movies you ungrateful swine!
The object is a part of a robotic crocodile built for Peter the Great by an expatriate French blacksmith. The iron crocodile was to be the villain's assistant. Unfortunately the full text of the play was lost in the Great Fire.
The man who introduced the umbrella from Europe to England started a fashion trend and quickly became the enemy of cabbies, who had fewer customers ducking into cabs to escape the rain. He was eventually run over by a hansom cab and killed.
This is the storage case for a bronze baptismal font. The font is a sacred object, but it also gets in the way of vacuuming and choir practice. In its case it may be respectfully tucked away beneath the lectern.
Office guy, extra large, gigantic you got it.
XXL please, with stretchy biceps