If guilt, shame and self-loathing worked, we'd be a nation of perfect toothpicks with great teeth by now. The beatings will continue until morale improves, apparently.
Ignore the fast food and ready-to-eat lobby and tax the crap out of unhealthy food, but don't establish institutional guilt-trips like this. Shock tactics are middling at reducing smoking rates, but ratcheting tobacco taxes was and is a remarkably effective tool.
If you shame people, they'll just associate making healthy food choices with, well, agreeing with you. Who wants to do that?
Ignore the fast food and ready-to-eat lobby and tax the crap out of unhealthy food, but don't establish institutional guilt-trips like this. Shock tactics are middling at reducing smoking rates, but ratcheting tobacco taxes was and is a remarkably effective tool.
If you shame people, they'll just associate making healthy food choices with, well, agreeing with you. Who wants to do that?