Tim,I think anyone with Cancer wouldn't care about side affects... and also, Cancer medicine is something that all good doctors really want to find... I doubt that this medicine was made without the intention to make peoples lives better, leaving it at only a medicine made to make a drug company rich.
Im sorry, but I really wish everyone would stop complaining about gas prices in America... in Europe and the surrounding regions, the gas prices are 3 times as much!! Complaining occasionally is understandable, but people in the us actually collectively WHINE about it. Americans that live in the US need to understand that they have it easy. Get smaller cars and be more efficient! Stop being lazy and praying to God about it, if there is one after all!
"A Gloucestershire police spokeswoman said there had been no report of a gnome going missing but said: "Any theft of a person's property, even if it is carried out as a joke, will be treated as a crime by police."
but wow, I really respect him for managing to save up for one thing he really wants for an incredibly long time....
you cant possibly be that ignorant... not everyone in the world has the same luxuries as you do, not everyone has the chance to control their lives
...people work like robots, it's sad :(
And when you do the same thing even if you didnt win anything, you feel victorious.
Just wanted to make that clear
& jeeze, I think this guy has a psychological problem :/