For game geeks, a similar system was used for a giant tank in "Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater" by a Russian bad guy. I thought the design was cool then, but neverbelieved it would actually work !
Interesting, but typical that humans destroy things to "analyze" them. And isn't concrete supposed to be a one of the worst air quality offenders? Try pouring thirty tons of cement down a whale's throat and see what Greenpeace has to say about it.
Cute, but why do they always marry them in the end, ladies? Wouldn't you rather show up the jackasses, and then find someone compatable? This is why I never found The Honeymooners or The Flintstones the least bit funny...
So, going "feral" caused him to grow more hair?
It's like an annoying TV ad. You can't figure out why they don't realise that it sucks, but you're still talking about it.
No, really.
and neither should you.