Have caterpillars made a comeback a little bit? I've been seeing them around lately - @SarahkSilverman
More twaggies of the Silverman sisters can be found over here and one of our all-time favorite tweets, over here.
Oh, brand-new computer. When the bad times come, let's be sure to remember today, when you were clean and fast and we loved each other so. - @billbarol
I think I have restless leg syndrome. I'm trying to sleep but my leg bought a Harley and took off to "find out what America really IS, man." - @johnmoe
We were recently featured on Triple M in Australia... an interview by Ugly Phil. Listen to it right over here or hit the play button below. Oh, and for the record, I never told him my name was Dave. For some reason, Aussies can't say the word David...
N.B. - Team Twaggies is excited to bring you the illustrations of Andrew Degraff over the next couple weeks (at least) as Kiersten prepares to kill herself get married. Please give Andrew a nice, big Twaggies welcome!My dad has a theory that the world will end when all the world's un-popped popcorn kernels explode at the same time. - @anniecolbert