Looks like the last person to use this toilet forgot to "log out." @robbaedeker
no. 154 - @NotGaryBusey
WARNING: If you dress your car up as a reindeer for Christmas, don't get mad when I shoot it, gut it, and mount it on my wall. @NotGaryBusey
no. 153 - @suuperG, @TinaPOta, @SaveOurTigers
#GoGoDicaprio! WWF Press Release: The Leonardo Dicaprio Fund at CCF Commits $1 Million to WWF to Save Tigers Now - @suuperG
Save Tigers Now | Campaign by World Wildlife Fund & Leonardo DiCaprio: http://www.savetigersnow.org - @TinaPOta
To keep track of Save Our Tiger program visit www.saveourtiger.com or facebook.com/stripeythecub - @SaveOurTigers
no. 152 - @MeetingBoy
Here's the winning pick from the mentalfloss.com contest.
The boss sent an email at 11:30 “reminding†everyone that he’s working from home today. He sent it from his Blackberry. - @MeetingBoy
no. 151 - @bestworstadvice
Is your child sad that Santa hasn’t responded to his letter? Tell him Santa lost his job. @bestworstadvice
no. 150 - @kristin
Seriously considered giving myself a Romulan hair cut. Reconsidered. #startrek - @kristin
no. 148 - @IanJSpector
I guess if they ever go down in flames, Wikileaks can probably be re-born as a cool new brand of baby diapers. - @IanJSpector
Caption Contest Finalists
Earlier this week, we asked for your tweet as a caption to the Twaggie above. Now it's time to vote on the entries we got. Winner gets a T-shirt and an RT! Please only vote once. This was fun! We'll do it again sometime soon.
[polldaddy poll="4234513"]
no. 147 - @AFineFrenzy
raspberry + banana = ra na na. morning thoughts. @AFineFrenzy
no. 146 - @PaulyPeligroso
You gotta plant some hands to grow some palm trees. - @PaulyPeligroso
no. 145 - @wyverngirl69
Every time I see a Rent-A-Center, I imagine how much cooler it would be if it were a Rent-A-Centaur. Who wouldn't want to rent a centaur? - @wyverngirl69
no. 144 - @DrTwittenheimer
It may not be immediately obvious, but I'm sure there would be some downside to being a ninja assassin. @DrTwittenheimer
no. 143 - @avapidblonde
@avapidblonde is the winner of our first-ever caption contest! Congrats! We picked our favorites and stuck them in a poll for everyone to vote. @avapidblonde conducted a heckuva lobbying campaign for her entry and wound up taking the lead after a week of voting. She just one this twaggie on her very own t-shirt! This was fun! We'll do it again real soon.
Every freakin' time we go out drinking he gets all loud and random. Some one should cut him off. - @avapidblonde
no. 142 - @howtogeek
@MansBigBrother You have 9 monitors? You're way past geek levels and deep into nerd territory there. =)Â @howtogeek
no. 141 - @burtonstory
@Funkykitsune wrong. The robot stood motionless before sparks flew from it's antenna and then slumped forwards as if it was switched off. #BurtonStory - @burtonstory