I've often thought that life would be a lot easier if only I had a Wookie. -Â @BambamVictoria
no. 405 - @OuterJohn

~Illustration by:Â Jeff Naslund~
Pour motor oil over a stack of CDs. Ta-da! Robot pancakes. @OuterJohnno. 404 - @JeniScagnetti

~Illustration by:Â Matt Lassen~
I may have a lot of emotional baggage but trust me, I've packed it well. -Â @JeniScagnetti
no. 403 - @MrBigFists
~Illustrated by:Â Joanna Ong~
no. 402 - @NiknotMick

~Illustration by: Jamie “The Boogieman†Bougher~
My business is awkward smiles and poorly executed high-fives, and business is good. -Â @NiknotMick
no. 401 - @Hellraisinbgrr
no. 400 - @friedmanjon

~Illustrated by:Â Joanna Ong~
I think a great name for a bakery is 3.no. 399 - @Spotswoj

~Illustration by:Â Carnilius R~
I refuse to get down from my high horse, because I'm high too and we're going on an adventure. - @Spotswoj
no. 398 - @_theguy_

~Illustration by:Â Matt Lassen~
Once you get 10,000 followers, you've really made it... to a group of people who wished they had 20,000 - @_theguy_no. 397 - @RitleySammich

~Illustration by:Â Kaz Foxsen~
Pop up ads are the Jehovahs witness of the internet. -Â @RitleySammichno. 396 - @emcognito

~Illustration by: Jamie “The Boogieman†Bougher~
When people say they love lobster or crab, I assume they love to suck melted butter off of anything.- @emcognitono. 395 - @senorwinces

~Illustrated by: JB Sapienza~
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, please erase my hard drive with magnets. - @senorwinces
Âno. 394 - @9to5Life

~Illustration by:Â Kevin Coffee~
Learned today that falling coconuts kill more people than shark attacks. And why don't we have coconut week again? - @9to5Lifeno. 393 - @shawngold
~Illustration by: Mike Luckovich~
0verheard - The only time my husband can multi-task is while he's driving. -Â @shawngold
no. 392 - @ImaFlyontheWall
~Illustration by: Jamie "The Boogieman" Bougher~
Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm schizophrenic and so am I. shhhh shut up. You shut up. - @ImaFlyontheWall