This sea border is only 22 miles across at its narrowest, but even birds and fish don't cross it. In 1859, British scientist Alfred Russel Wallace identified it and another scientist later named it the Wallace Line in hi... waters that surround Antarctica are trapped in place by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, which encircles that continent and keep marine life inside isolated from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Marine li... above is a pair of Great Tits.Last year, researchers Els Atema, Arie van Noordwijk, and Simon Verhulst published the results of their study of Great Tits (Parus Major) in the journal Molecular Ecology. I bring i... George Shaw and F.P. Nodder)When European explorers wandered the most remote regions of the world, they brought back stories of strange creatures. One of those stories was of a bizarre hybrid animal from Australi... Tom Phillips)What's in a snout? A lot. Jon Tennant, a doctoral researcher at Imperial College London, surveyed the shapes of the snouts of different cud-chewing animals. He found that both blunt and pointed snout... Frank Fox)You can close your mouth, but your lips, however tighly sealed, are still a gap. It's a different situation for the Hydra viridissima. The hydra's mouth disappears at the cellular level when closed. Ed... Abdeljebbar Qninba)Mogador is an island off the coast of Morocco. In 2014, Abdeljebbar Qninba, a biologist at Mohammed V University in Rabat observed falcons capturing smaller birds, plucking off their tail and w... Link)Drawing is a skill that comes really easy to some people, and with time and practice they are able to render hand drawn illustrations on a masterful level, but a select few are actually born with the ability... Gervais was a renowned French paleontologist... ...leontologist and entomologist, and a professor of zoology at the Sorbonne. He also had a medical degree. Ge... ...uced a supplemental volume of illustrations for a zoology encyclopedia in 1844 called Atlas de Zoologie : o... adorable little critters known as hyrax may look like they don't have a lot going on in their tiny little heads, but it turns out they are master communicators who use a complex language complete with regional dialec...