Those wacky pranksters at ImprovEverywhere held... ...ides and other great pranks on ImprovEverywhere's YouTube channel. [ YouTube ]! Jon Lajoie - everyday normal guy &a... ...veryday normal guy & ladies' man - is back on YouTube , this time spitting ill rhymes with his whole eve... ...lyrics are unambiguously laced with profanity.] - YouTube . television is one of the best things in the world. Pair it with another stupidly catching internet song and you have an instant hit -especially when the video and song emphasize the wonder that is created when... whole video is great, it keeps getting better. Make sure you watch long enough to see the ultimate frisbee tattoo. Now, the real question is, is that a frisbee tattoo that's ulimate or a tattoo dedicated to ulimat... old timey music with Eddie Thomas and Carl Scott playing uke, washboard and kazoo playing "My Ohio Home." Link via BoingBoing...