The biggest dinosaur discoveries of the year i... ...termined by feather fossils. Check out the entire list , with links to further reading, at Smithsonian. L... author of Catsparella sifted through a year of Maru's blog and excerpted some of the best photographs and videos of 2010. Each entry has a link to the original blog post. I particularly liked Maru's response to Y... link) Videogum put together their annu... video soundtracks found on those videos. See a list Daily Beast collected stories of animal heroism from the past year that might make you a bit teary-eyed. The story of Angel the golden retriever is an example. Eleven-year-old Austin Foreman was gathering firewood n... Phil Plait has published his selections of the best astronomy pictures of 2010. Not only will you see awesome pictures, but each has an explanation, like the full version of the cropped picture you see here. Wheneve..., the memories of a year chock-full of useless and incomprehensible things to occupy your time. These are the internet memes of 2010, causing a laugh or two as they fly around the web. If by chance you've missed any of... has compiled their annual list of the 80 most influential people in America over... ...Mormon President Thomas S. Monson stands atop the list . As the divine prophet, seer, and revelator for 5...