Colorado State University biologist Joel Berger's... ...iversity biologist Joel Berger's new book Extreme Conservation tells about the many projects he's worked on to s... ...e's worked on to study the habits and habitats of wildlife all over the world. Learning how to save the worl...
The 'Bloody Business' of Wildlife Conservation
The Crane that Fell in Love with Her Zookeeper...
Walnut is a white-naped crane, a highly endangered... ...idents, Walnut was transferred to the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Virginia, where... ...particularly endangered species. In the past, his conservation work sent him into the field, where he worked wit... ...epy, but you do...
Painting On The Human Form To Save Tigers...
Body painting is an art form that began in tribalist cultures. Contemporary artist Craig Tracy uses various paint techniques on a canvas of human skin to create incredible nature and animal works.Tigers have always been...
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