Got a hangover? Perhaps you should try this ice ma... ...' looks like it would totally solve your problem. WebUrbanist has a great list of idiotic inventions from the p... you were a gamer during the 80's, then you... ...8 bit artworks -impressed yes, but surprised, no. WebUrbanist know you Neatonauts love to argue about what... ...there's sure to be something for everyone in this WebUrbanist article. Link English Russia WebUrbanist has a great roundup of pictures of train cars tha... has pictures of 61 clever, elegant, or funny wine... video displays miniature knitting for the s... ...the sweaters in Coraline. The detail is amazing. WebUrbanist has a great article about different miniature art... ...ut this knitting is just amazing. Video Link Via WebUrbanist has a wonderful collection of a variety of fantas... are some of the best optical illusios I've ever seen. They will totally mess with your perception. The best thing is that they are all in real places, not just pictures on a computer. Link...