Touch Pianist is a web toy that let’s you play famous piano pieces on... all the fun you had as a kid with your Spirograph, making lovely creations that your folks never considered “artful” enough to keep? You can have that fun again anytime you like, with no ink blotches...“It’s a good thing you don’t hav... ...t it applies well to Gentle Brain, an interactive web toy where you can play around with your brain. If you... screen shots above don’t do justice to t... ...screen shots above don’t do justice to the web toy Patatap, because the images fade too quickly to c..., here’s a toy guaranteed to drive your cats crazy and draw ever... is a page full of hamburgers, with a few c... multiply them, and click to take a bite! This web toy interactive web toy by Rafaël Rozendaal might be appreciated by... ...nd effects you can enjoy as a background for your websurfing . Link -via Metafilter's snowing catflakes! Once you've watched this m... ...g catflakes! Once you've watched this mesmerizing web toy for a while, you might notice the control panel a... web toy has autoplay music and may be a trigger for certa... you're still off work for the holidays and need... ...for the holidays and need to kill some time, the web toy Touch Effects may just eat up more of your day th...