Watching a woodworker turn a nice newel or chair l... ...ey, time, space, and material. That's why we have WebGL Lathe Workshop, where you can try it out online,... McCorkle and Sam Reider built an interactive soundboard that plays "Auld Lang Syne" in four-part harmony. The fun comes when you change which instrument plays which part, so you can design or own quartet! Or press t...'s a cute web toy that doesn't give you time to fool around! Sandca... you need a minute to de-stress? In the interact... ...ou need a minute to de-stress? In the interactive web toy Ribbons, you are thrown into a sea of wavy ribbon... Whitney Music Box is a musical realization of the motion graphics of John Whitney as described in his book Digital Harmony. The dots are arranged to trigger notes on a chromatic scale when they pass the line. The dot... the Daniel Radcliffe movie Swiss Army Man... ...f the promotion for the film, you can play with a web toy also called Swiss Army Man. Manny is waiting for...’s a web toy that could also be a game if you played against s... Advertising Agency of Stockholm, Sweden, no... was available. So they gave us a web toy in which you can blow a trumpet in The Donald&rsq... Mosaic by Eric Andrew Lewis is a web tool that reconstructs images using emojis, the n... and Drag to Make Wind is a cute little web toy . No, it has nothing to do with farts, but there&r...